+254 723 442 559 | 723 103 085 | 721 637 316info@highgatepreparatory.sc.ke

Our Story -


High Gate Preparatory School was founded out of compulsion to to equip young people with the skills an mindset to thrive and then face the world. Education forms the foundation of a responsible society. A society without innovations and creativity is a society without education.

Our education offering is not necessarily defined by delivering obvious syllabus provided by the government, but we explore to an extra mile to provide the mindset, the right perception, the proper foundation of a human that the society would desire to have. I believe education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world. Education has to be than a book and a pen, but instilling morals and character to the future generation. The nature of a school you raise today defines the kind of a society that will live tomorrow.

The world has a bright future, full of innovations and great minds when we have schools that build the character of young people today. High Gate Preparatory extends its hand to the less disadvantaged and misfortune children in Kenya i.e. orphans, needy and the poor, and create them a world that they equally get the most refined education offering that an ordinary child would acquire.

Always embrace learning and open a school to close prisons

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